S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
Page No. |
1 |
Study on Nano materials and Application of Nanotechnology and Its Impacts in Construction
C. Vignesh Kumar |
01-06 |
2 |
Comparative Study on High Performance Concrete with Different Admixtures
Dr. B. Vidivelli, A. Jayaranjini |
07-09 |
3 |
High Dimensional Global Pattern Set Mining Based On Genetic Constraint Mechanism
M. Rajasekar, S. Vimalathithan |
10-17 |
4 |
Design an Efficient Clustering Technique Based On Feature Subset Selection in High Dimensional Data
Ashok Kumar B., Devan D. P. |
18-22 |
5 |
Heuristics Rules for Mining High Utility Item Sets From Transactional Database
S. Manikandan, Mr. D. P. Devan |
23-28 |
6 |
Blind Signatures with Verifier-Effective Revocation
R. Aishwariya, R. Priya, S. Kiruthiga |
29-34 |
7 |
Hierarchical Trust Management for Delay Tolerant Networks Using Stochastic Petrinet for Secure Routing
Chithra M., Mr. Vimalathithan M. E. |
35-41 |
8 |
Segmentation of the Ultrasound Carotid Intima-Media layer and Analysis of the Carotid Plaque Texture Features
M. V. Supraja |
42-49 |
9 |
Reduced Run Time Estimation for Data Dependent Timing Jitter and Amplitude Noise in High-Speed Differential Link
K. Vignesh |
50-53 |
10 |
Online Monitoring Of Geological Co2 Storage And Leakage Based On Wireless Sensor Networks
A. Anusha, Dr. B. Jeyaraman |
54-61 |
11 |
Regulating Unified Power Quality Conditioner Output Using Kalman Filters
S. Mohana Priya, K. Keerthana |
62-73 |
12 |
Embedded Controlled Multiple Output Boost Converter
Brunda N., K. J. Madhuselvi |
74-81 |
13 |
A New Phase Shifted Converter using Soft Switching Feature for Low Power Applications
Aswathi M. Nair, K. Keerthana |
82-89 |
14 |
Design of DC–DC Converter with Fast Dynamic Response for Photovoltaic Sources
A. Vennila, K. Keerthana |
90-95 |
15 |
New Implementation of Dc-Dc Converter for Residential Microgrid System
P. Geetha, S. Jayanthi |
96-105 |
16 |
Design of temperature separator with sensor on hot forging
Dr. S. Periyasamy, R. Alamuthu |
106-116 |
17 |
Finite element analysis of butt welded joints under cyclic loading
S. Dineshkumar, Prof. S. Bradeesh Moorthy |
117-122 |
18 |
Modification of Design and Analysis of Motor Cycle Wheel Spokes
Rajarethinam P.1, Periasamy K. |
123-127 |
19 |
Analytical and Numerical Investication of Critical Buckling Analysis of Composite Wing
P. Murugesan, P. Thirumurugan |
128-132 |
20 |
Design and Analysis of Two Wheeler Shock Absorber Coil Spring
Prince Jerome Christopher J., Pavendhan R. |
133-140 |
21 |
Composition of E-Waste and hazards related to E-Waste
R. C. Radha, P. Gurupranesh |
141-146 |
22 |
Experimental investigation on natural convective heat transfer coefficient of silver/water nanofluid in an enclosure
B. Johnson Joseph Jebakumar, L. Godson Asirvatham, C. T. Muthiah |
147-152 |
23 |
Performance Analysis of an After Cooler Used In High Power Engine Using CFD
M. Safraaj Salaamer, Dr. K. S. Amirthagadeswaran, R. K. Barathraj |
153-157 |
24 |
Performance Analysis of a Copper Radiator Using CFD
R. K. Barathraj, Dr. K. S. Amirthagadeswaran, M. Safraaj Salaamer |
158-162 |
25 |
Analysis of Methods for Automobile Engine Vibration Control
Kamalakannan S., Balamurugan M. |
163-165 |
26 |
Study of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites
N. Nanda Kumar, P. Kanagaraj |
166-172 |
27 |
Comparative Study of Disc Brake Materials through Computer Aided Engineering
S. Dhiyaneswaran, Dr. K. S. Amirthagadeswaran |
173-179 |
28 |
Demonetization of Indian Rupee against Us $: A Historical Perspective
R. Sunita, Dr. Hansa Lysander Manohar |
180-183 |
29 |
Comparison of Fiber Metal (Aluminium) Laminates of Chopped Glass Fiber And 450 Stitched Glass Fiber Mat by Analyzing Tensile and Flexural Properties
R.Baskararajan, A. Senthil Kumar, V. Ashamelba |
184-194 |
30 |
Catalytic degradation of waste PVC into liquid fuel using baco3 as catalyst and its blending properties with diesel fuel
Elackiya Manickaraja, Senthilkumar Tamilkolundu |
195-200 |