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1 |
Factors Influencing Time Contingency Assessment In
Construction Projects
Mr.P.Vittalkumar|| Dr.K.Divakar
@article {key: article,
author = {Mr.P.Vittalkumar|| Dr.K.Divakar},
title = {Factors Influencing Time Contingency Assessment In
Construction Projects},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {01-07},
month = {March}
01-07 |
2 |
Facts Controllers for Power Quality Improvement In Wind Grid Network
Lubna Ismatulla Shaikh|| Chandrashekhar Thorat
@article {key: article,
author = {Lubna Ismatulla Shaikh|| Chandrashekhar Thorat},
title = {Facts Controllers for Power Quality Improvement In Wind Grid Network},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {08-14},
month = {March}
08-14 |
3 |
Multimodeling Interconnected Systems Application for the Stabilisation Control of the Inverted Pendulum
Hajer Zardoum|| Moufida Ksouri
@article {key: article,
author = {Hajer Zardoum|| Moufida Ksouri},
title = {Multimodeling Interconnected Systems Application for the Stabilisation Control of the Inverted Pendulum},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {15-21},
month = {March}
15-21 |
4 |
Fixed Head Hydrothermal Scheduling with Wind Farms
V. Vasudevan and P. Aravindhababu
@article {key: article,
author = {V. Vasudevan and P. Aravindhababu},
title = Fixed Head Hydrothermal Scheduling with Wind Farms},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {22-29},
month = {March}
22-29 |
5 |
Privacy Preserving Auditing Protocol for shared data on Cloud with efficient User Revocation
VishavJeet Patil|| K. S. Korabu
@article {key: article,
author = {VishavJeet Patil|| K. S. Korabu},
title = {Privacy Preserving Auditing Protocol for shared data on Cloud with efficient User Revocation},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {30-34},
month = {March}
30-34 |
6 |
Simulation and Parameter Evaluation of Wind Turbine Blade
Parth Rathod|| Hiren Shah
@article {key: article,
author = {Parth Rathod|| Hiren Shah},
title = {Simulation and Parameter Evaluation of Wind Turbine Blade},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {35-43},
month = {March}
35-43 |
7 |
A Usability Analysis of Mobile Apps Developed by Website Builder Tools
Dr.Hana Al-Nuaim|| Lulwah Al-Harigy
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr.Hana Al-Nuaim|| Lulwah Al-Harigy},
title = {A Usability Analysis of Mobile Apps Developed by Website Builder Tools},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {44-53},
month = {March}
44-53 |
8 |
Dr.K.Gunasekaran|| Mrs. K. Gnanabala
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr.K.Gunasekaran|| Mrs. K. Gnanabala},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {54-60},
month = {March}
54-60 |
9 |
Decoding Proposed Structural Reform for Electricity in India
Himanshu Mishra
@article {key: article,
author = {Himanshu Mishra},
title = {Decoding Proposed Structural Reform for Electricity in India},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {61-65},
month = {March}
61-65 |
10 |
Multi-Objective Optimization of Metal Parameters for Surface
Roughness and Response Analysis
Dr. P.S.S Akilashri
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr. P.S.S Akilashri},
title = {Multi-Objective Optimization of Metal Parameters for Surface
Roughness and Response Analysis},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {66-72},
month = {March}
66-72 |
1 |
Stress Management of Banking Sector Employees
Akankshi Singh|| Dr.R.P.Gupta
@article {key: article,
author = {Akankshi Singh|| Dr.R.P.Gupta},
title = {Stress Management of Banking Sector Employees},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {01-04},
month = {March}
01-04 |
2 |
Prevention and Detection of Unauthorized User in Wireless
Sensor Network Using SDI Drip
Prof.Reddappa B C|| Prof. Dayana Sherine P M|| Prof.Suganthi S
@article {key: article,
author = {Prof.Reddappa B C|| Prof. Dayana Sherine P M|| Prof.Suganthi S},
title = {Prevention and Detection of Unauthorized User in Wireless
Sensor Network Using SDI Drip},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {05-11},
month = {March}
05-11 |
3 |
Experimental Study on Glass Fibre Reinforced Steel Slag
Concrete with Fly Ash
Aiswarya.V|| Navaneetha.B
@article {key: article,
author = {Aiswarya.V|| Navaneetha.B},
title = {Experimental Study on Glass Fibre Reinforced Steel Slag
Concrete with Fly Ash},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {12-20},
month = {March}
12-20 |
4 |
Empirical Relation to Estimate Breakdown Strength of Solid
Insulating Materials
A. Masood|| M.U. Zuberi
@article {key: article,
author = {A. Masood|| M.U. Zuberi},
title = {Empirical Relation to Estimate Breakdown Strength of Solid
Insulating Materials},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {21-26},
month = {March}
21-26 |
5 |
In silico analysis of novel mutations determined within RRDR
region of rpoB gene of M. leprae: A possible cause of
Rifampicin resistance among leprosy patients
Astha Nigam|| Mallika Lavania|| Itu Singh|| Ravindra P Turankar|| and UtpalSengupta
@article {key: article,
author = {Astha Nigam|| Mallika Lavania|| Itu Singh|| Ravindra P Turankar|| and UtpalSengupta},
title = {In silico analysis of novel mutations determined within RRDR
region of rpoB gene of M. leprae: A possible cause of
Rifampicin resistance among leprosy patients},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {27-35},
month = {March}
27-35 |
6 |
"Authority And Density Based Square Signal Controlling
Supratim Saha|| Harsha Wankhede
@article {key: article,
author = {Supratim Saha|| Harsha Wankhede},
title = {"Authority And Density Based Square Signal Controlling
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {36-39},
month = {March}
36-39 |
7 |
Newfangled Approach for Traffic Analysis Using Internet Of Things
V. Saran Chaitanya
@article {key: article,
author = {V. Saran Chaitanya},
title = {Newfangled Approach for Traffic Analysis Using Internet Of Things},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {40-46},
month = {March}
40-46 |
8 |
Effect of Static and Dynamic Wind Forces on RC Tall Structures
at different Height, in different Zones and in different Terrain
Category using Gust Factor Method As Per Is: 875 (Part 3) 1987
Suraj Nayak U|| Dr. Ananthayya M.B
@article {key: article,
author = {Suraj Nayak U|| Dr. Ananthayya M.B},
title = {Effect of Static and Dynamic Wind Forces on RC Tall Structures
at different Height, in different Zones and in different Terrain
Category using Gust Factor Method As Per Is: 875 (Part 3) 1987},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {47-61},
month = {March}
47-61 |
9 |
Light as Source of Data Transmission
Pooja Charoskar|| Ashwini Desale|| Madhuri Suryawanshi|| Bhavana Avhad
@article {key: article,
author = {Pooja Charoskar|| Ashwini Desale|| Madhuri Suryawanshi|| Bhavana Avhad},
title = {Light as Source of Data Transmission},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {62-66},
month = {March}
62-66 |
10 |
Comparative Analysis of Various Routing Protocols
Mirza Waseem Hussain|| Sanjay Jamwal
@article {key: article,
author = {Mirza Waseem Hussain|| Sanjay Jamwal},
title = {Comparative Analysis of Various Routing Protocols},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {67-73},
month = {March}
67-73 |
Version-3 |
1 |
Structural and Electrical Properties of Co-Sn substituted
Vaishali Soman|| M. D. Mehare
@article {key: article,
author = {Vaishali Soman|| M. D. Mehare},
title = {Structural and Electrical Properties of Co-Sn substituted
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {01-03},
month = {March}
01-03 |
2 |
Fuzzy Logic for Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects
D. Seuret-Jiménez|| J.M. Nieto-Jalil|| M. Tecpoyotl-Torres||
F. Ayala-Mató|| J.E. Roman-Benitez
@article {key: article,
author = {D. Seuret-Jiménez|| J.M. Nieto-Jalil|| M. Tecpoyotl-Torres||
F. Ayala-Mató|| J.E. Roman-Benitez},
title = {Fuzzy Logic for Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {04-13},
month = {March}
04-13 |
3 |
Extending Market Basket Analysis Using Multidimensional
Customer Based Profile In Graph Mining
M.Santhosh|| K.Anisha|| B.Priyanka|| K.Sirisha
@article {key: article,
author = {M.Santhosh|| K.Anisha|| B.Priyanka|| K.Sirisha},
title = {Extending Market Basket Analysis Using Multidimensional
Customer Based Profile In Graph Mining},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {14-19},
month = {March}
14-19 |
4 |
An Analytical Study on The Success of Entrepreneurs
R.Chandrasekaran|| Edward Nikhil Karlus
@article {key: article,
author = {R.Chandrasekaran|| Edward Nikhil Karlus},
title = {An Analytical Study on The Success of Entrepreneurs},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {20-23},
month = {March}
20-23 |
5 |
Isolation and Characterization of the Dominant Microorganisms
Involved In Vietnamese Cacao Fermentation
Tran Trung Hieu|| Nguyen Thi Hong Loan|| Nguyen Thuy Huong
@article {key: article,
author = {Tran Trung Hieu|| Nguyen Thi Hong Loan|| Nguyen Thuy Huong},
title = {Isolation and Characterization of the Dominant Microorganisms
Involved In Vietnamese Cacao Fermentation},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {24-33},
month = {March}
24-33 |
6 |
Finite Double Integral Representation for the Polynomial Set
Tn (X1,X2,X3,X4)
Ahmad Quaisar Subhani
@article {key: article,
author = {Ahmad Quaisar Subhani},
title = {Finite Double Integral Representation for the Polynomial Set
Tn (X1,X2,X3,X4)},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {34-40},
month = {March}
34-40 |
7 |
Use of Plastic Waste in Bituminous Mixes of Flexible Pavements
by Wet and Dry Methods: A Comparative Study
Brajesh Mishra
@article {key: article,
author = {Brajesh Mishra},
title = {Use of Plastic Waste in Bituminous Mixes of Flexible Pavements
by Wet and Dry Methods: A Comparative Study)},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {41-50},
month = {March}
41-50 |
8 |
Review on Removal of Ocular Artifact from Multichannel
EEG Signal
Snehal Ashok Gaikwad|| K.P.Paradeshi
@article {key: article,
author = {Snehal Ashok Gaikwad|| K.P.Paradeshi},
title = {Review on Removal of Ocular Artifact from Multichannel
EEG Signal)},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},Snehal Ashok Gaikwad|| K.P.Paradeshi
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {51-53},
month = {March}
51-53 |
9 |
Analysis of Single Phase Boost Converter and Poly Phase Boost
Boyapati Chandrasekhar|| Palla Naresh
@article {key: article,
author = {Boyapati Chandrasekhar|| Palla Naresh},
title = {Analysis of Single Phase Boost Converter and Poly Phase Boost
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {54-58},
month = {March}
54-58 |