S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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Pdf |
1 |
Transmission Line Protection Scheme for Fault Detection,
Classification and Location Using ANN
A. Y. Hatata || Z. M. Hassan || S. S. Eskander
@article {key: article,
author = {A. Y. Hatata || Z. M. Hassan || S. S. Eskander},
title = {Transmission Line Protection Scheme for Fault Detection, Classification and Location Using ANN},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {01-10},
month = {August}
01-10 |
2 |
Effect of Hall Currents on Convective Heat And Mass Transfer
Flow of A Viscous Electrically Conducting Fluid In A Non-
Uniformly Heated Vertical Channel With Radiation
Dr.M.Sreevani || Prof. D.R.V. Prasada Rao
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr.M.Sreevani || Prof. D.R.V. Prasada Rao},
title = {Effect of Hall Currents on Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Flow of A Viscous Electrically Conducting Fluid In A Non- Uniformly Heated Vertical Channel With Radiation},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {11-23},
month = {August}
11-23 |
3 |
Enhancing Data Analytics Using Big Data
Dr. Maulik N. Pandya || Mr. Kalpit G. Soni
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr. Maulik N. Pandya || Mr. Kalpit G. Soni},
title = {Enhancing Data Analytics Using Big Data},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {24-29},
month = {August}
24-29 |
4 |
On Alpha Generalized Star Preclosed Sets in Topological Spaces
C. Sekar || J. Rajakumari
@article {key: article,
author = {C. Sekar || J. Rajakumari},
title = {On Alpha Generalized Star Preclosed Sets in Topological Spaces},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {30-37},
month = {August}
30-37 |
5 |
Optimization of Conditions for Culturing Probiotic Bacteria-Antagonists of Agents Involved in Hospital-Acquired Infections
N.N. Gavrilova || I.A. Ratnikova || K. Bayakyshova || Z.J. Turlybaeva || L.A.Кosheleva || A.K.Sadanov
@article {key: article,
author = {N.N. Gavrilova || I.A. Ratnikova || K. Bayakyshova || Z.J. Turlybaeva || L.A.Кosheleva || A.K.Sadanov},
title = {Optimization of Conditions for Culturing Probiotic Bacteria-Antagonists of Agents Involved in Hospital-Acquired Infections},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {38-41},
month = {August}
38-41 |
6 |
Electrochemical Study on Corrosion Inhibition of Iron by
Synthesized Butyl Triphenylphosphonium Chloride in
Acid Media
Oumelkheir Rahim || Khaled Mansouri || Lakhdar Sekhri
@article {key: article,
author = {Oumelkheir Rahim || Khaled Mansouri || Lakhdar Sekhri},
title = {Electrochemical Study on Corrosion Inhibition of Iron by Synthesized Butyl Triphenylphosphonium Chloride in Acid Media},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {42-51},
month = {August}
42-51 |
7 |
Reliability Analysis of a two Dissimilar Unit Warm Standby
Redundant System with Imperfect Switch
G.S. MokaddisG.S.Khalil ||
Hanaa Alhajri
@article {key: article,
author = {G.S. MokaddisG.S.Khalil ||
Hanaa Alhajri},
title = {Reliability Analysis of a two Dissimilar Unit Warm Standby Redundant System with Imperfect Switch},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {52-69},
month = {August}
52-69 |
8 |
Design of Hybrid Power Generation Using Solarpv Module and
Wind Turbine
Sateesh.N.Dodamani || Avinash.V.Deshpande ||
Rudresh.B.Magadum || S.B.Halabhavi
@article {key: article,
author = {Sateesh.N.Dodamani || Avinash.V.Deshpande ||
Rudresh.B.Magadum || S.B.Halabhavi},
title = {Design of Hybrid Power Generation Using Solarpv Module and Wind Turbine},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {70-74},
month = {August}
70-74 |
9 |
A novel approach for Improving Performance and Security in the
Binal Shah || Zahir Aalam
@article {key: article,
author = {Binal Shah || Zahir Aalam},
title = {A novel approach for Improving Performance and Security in the NGN},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {75-84},
month = {August}
75-84 |
10 |
Study of Space–Frequency Block Coding for Underwater
Supriya A Londhe || P. N. Kota
@article {key: article,
author = {Supriya A Londhe || P. N. Kota},
title = {Study of Space–Frequency Block Coding for Underwater Communications},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {85-93},
month = {August}
85-93 |
1 |
Simulation of BLDC motor control with Reduced Order Model of
the System with Observer State using SMC technique
Nagnath B. Chate || Subhash S. Sankeshwari
@article {key: article,
author = {Nagnath B. Chate || Subhash S. Sankeshwari},
title = {Simulation of BLDC motor control with Reduced Order Model of
the System with Observer State using SMC technique},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {01-08},
month = {August}
01-08 |
2 |
A Review on Optimal Fire-Resistant Architecture for
Construction Industry of Developing Countries
H.Chinna Saidulu
@article {key: article,
author = {H.Chinna Saidulu},
title = {A Review on Optimal Fire-Resistant Architecture for
Construction Industry of Developing Countries},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {09-14},
month = {August}
09-14 |
3 |
Prediction of Surface Roughness in Turning of Al 6061 Alloy by
Jush Kumar. Siddani || Dr. C. Srinivas || G. Moses Dayan
@article {key: article,
author = {Jush Kumar. Siddani || Dr. C. Srinivas || G. Moses Dayan},
title = {Prediction of Surface Roughness in Turning of Al 6061 Alloy by TAGUCHI},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {15-23},
month = {August}
15-23 |
4 |
Design of Approximate Multiplier Architecture Using Static
Segment Method for Audio Signals
Swathi Samanthapudi || Murali Krishna
@article {key: article,
author = {Swathi Samanthapudi || Murali Krishna },
title = {Design of Approximate Multiplier Architecture Using Static
Segment Method for Audio Signals},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {24-28},
month = {August}
24-28 |
5 |
Influence of External Carbon Source Addition on The
Performance of The Modified Contact Stabilization EBPR System
Ahmed Sharaf || Hossam Ahmed || Maha El-Shafei || Mahmoud El-Bayoumy
@article {key: article,
author = {Ahmed Sharaf || Hossam Ahmed || Maha El-Shafei || Mahmoud El-Bayoumy},
title = {Influence of External Carbon Source Addition on The
Performance of The Modified Contact Stabilization EBPR System},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {29-35},
month = {August}
29-35 |
6 |
Solar Based Binary Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
K.Muthukumar || T.S.Anandhi
@article {key: article,
author = {K.Muthukumar || T.S.Anandhi},
title = {Solar Based Binary Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {36-45},
month = {August}
36-45 |
7 |
DEVE Lopment of oil Seal Pressing Arrangement in Front Axle
S.Riyaz Haja Mohideen || K.Vinoth Kumar || K.Sai Sravan || K.Naga Nikhil
@article {key: article,
author = {S.Riyaz Haja Mohideen || K.Vinoth Kumar || K.Sai Sravan || K.Naga Nikhil},
title = {DEVE Lopment of oil Seal Pressing Arrangement in Front Axle},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {46-59},
month = {August}
46-59 |
8 |
Analysis of Variable Dimension Extended Kalman Filter for
Maneuvering Target Tracking Systems
Adnan Affandi || Abdulah M. Dobaie || Abdullah saad Alshehri ||
Mubashshir Husain
@article {key: article,
author = {Adnan Affandi || Abdulah M. Dobaie || Abdullah saad Alshehri ||
Mubashshir Husain},
title = {Analysis of Variable Dimension Extended Kalman Filter for
Maneuvering Target Tracking Systems},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {60-69},
month = {August}
60-69 |
9 |
AOMDVBased Security Mechanism for Black Hole Attack in
Shruti Srivastava || Hari Mohan Singh
@article {key: article,
author = {Shruti Srivastava || Hari Mohan Singh},
title = {AOMDVBased Security Mechanism for Black Hole Attack in
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {70-78},
month = {August}
70-78 |
10 |
Significance of Physical Surface Treatment on Areca Fiber – An
Ecological and Economical Process
Raghuveer H. Desai || Dr. L. Krishnamurthy || Dr. T.N. Shridhar
@article {key: article,
author = {Raghuveer H. Desai || Dr. L. Krishnamurthy || Dr. T.N. Shridhar},
title = {Significance of Physical Surface Treatment on Areca Fiber – An
Ecological and Economical Process},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2016},
volume = {6},
number = {8},
pages = {79-87},
month = {August}
79-87 |