S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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Pdf |
1 |
Improving Seismic Performance of Concrete Buildings with Special Moment Frames Using Viscous Damper
Mohammad Javad Dehghan || Mostafa Soleymannejad
@article {key: article,
author = {Mohammad Javad Dehghan|| Mostafa Soleymannejad},
title = {Improving Seismic Performance of Concrete Buildings with Special Moment Frames Using Viscous Damper},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {01-09},
month = {July}
01-09 |
2 |
Case Generation from the Combination of UML Class and Activity Diagrams
Er. Seema Saini || Er. V.K. Srivastava
@article {key: article,
author = {Er. Seema Saini||Er. V.K. Srivastava},
title = {Case Generation from the Combination of UML Class and Activity Diagrams},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {10-13},
month = {July}
10-13 |
3 |
Modelling and Simulation Using Matlab for IEEE 14 Bus System to Find out Optimum location of STATCOM
Syed Mohmmad Tanweer || Sumbul Zaidi
@article {key: article,
author = {Syed Mohmmad Tanweer|| Sumbul Zaidi},
title = {Modelling and Simulation Using Matlab for IEEE 14 Bus System to Find out Optimum location of STATCOM},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {14-20},
month = {July}
14-20 |
4 |
Variation of Steel Percentage in Different Sesmic Zone Including Wind Effect VS Gravity Load
Abdul Khadeer Quraishi || Arshad || Syed Masood Ahmed || Md. Zubair Ahmed
@article {key: article,
author = {Abdul Khadeer Quraishi|| Arshad|| Syed Masood Ahmed|| Md. Zubair Ahmed},
title = {Variation of Steel Percentage in Different Sesmic Zone Including Wind Effect VS Gravity Load},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {21-26},
month = {July}
21-26 |
5 |
Design of Hybrid Multilevel Inverter to Improve the Total Harmonic Distortion
Yasmeen Fatima|| Renu Yadav|| Rameshwar singh
@article {key: article,
author = {Yasmeen Fatima|| Renu Yadav|| Rameshwar singh},
title = {Design of Hybrid Multilevel Inverter to Improve the Total Harmonic Distortion},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {27-32},
month = {July}
27-32 |
6 |
Lean Manufacturing Methodology with Kaizen Improves Quality in Small Scale Industry in India
Anil Kumar|| Dr. Ravinder Kumar|| Rajkumar Duhan|| Sunil Duhan
@article {key: article,
author = {Anil Kumar|| Dr. Ravinder Kumar|| Rajkumar Duhan|| Sunil Duhan},
title = {Lean Manufacturing Methodology with Kaizen Improves Quality in Small Scale Industry in India},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {33-42},
month = {July}
33-42 |
7 |
Quality Circle: A Methodology to Identify Scope of Quality Improvement through Kaizen Approach
Sandeepsoni, Dr. Ravinder Kumar|| Rajkumar Duhan|| Sunil Duhan
@article {key: article,
author = {Sandeepsoni, Dr. Ravinder Kumar|| Rajkumar Duhan|| Sunil Duhan},
title = {Quality Circle: A Methodology to Identify Scope of Quality Improvement through Kaizen Approach},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {43-51},
month = {July}
43-51 |
8 |
Technology for Preparing Dried Starters from the Association of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Ferment Beet Juice as a Product of Functional and Clinical Nutrition
I.A. Ratnikova|| N.N. Gavrilova|| A.K. Sadanov|| K. Bayakysheva, Z.Zh. Turlybaeva|| V.A. Buzik|| A.S.Kamzaeva
@article {key: article,
author = {I.A. Ratnikova|| N.N. Gavrilova|| A.K. Sadanov|| K. Bayakysheva, Z.Zh. Turlybaeva|| V.A. Buzik|| A.S.Kamzaeva},
title = {Technology for Preparing Dried Starters from the Association of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Ferment Beet Juice as a Product of Functional and Clinical Nutrition},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {52-55},
month = {July}
52-55 |
9 |
Sequential Imperfect Preventive Maintenance Policy of a Deteriorating Repairable System based on Age and Hazard Rate Correction factors
Mwaba Coster|| Qiong Liu
@article {key: article,
author = {Mwaba Coster|| Qiong Liu},
title = {Sequential Imperfect Preventive Maintenance Policy of a Deteriorating Repairable System based on Age and Hazard Rate Correction factors},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {56-62},
month = {July}
56-62 |
10 |
The Utility of Series Compensation in "High Phase Order Transmission System (HPOTS)": A Paradigm to Enhance Power System Capability
Dr. Ashit S. Pandya|| Dharmesh J. Pandya|| Dr. Manoj J. Pandya
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr. Ashit S. Pandya|| Dharmesh J. Pandya|| Dr. Manoj J. Pandya},
title = {The Utility of Series Compensation in "High Phase Order Transmission System (HPOTS)": A Paradigm to Enhance Power System Capability},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {63-69},
month = {July}
63-69 |
Version 2 |
1 |
Integrated Model for Anti-Motoring and Abnormal Frequency Protections in Large Generators
V. Dayal Saran|| Aziz Ahmad
@article {key: article,
author = {V. Dayal Saran|| Aziz Ahmad},
title = {Integrated Model for Anti-Motoring and Abnormal Frequency Protections in Large Generators},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {01-12},
month = {July}
01-12 |
2 |
A Comparative Study of Macro-Grain Silicon Contents in Aluminium Alloy Produced by Electrolysis
Azeez T.M,|| Alo O.A.|| and Awoyele O.M
@article {key: article,
author = {Azeez T.M,|| Alo O.A.|| and Awoyele O.M},
title = {A Comparative Study of Macro-Grain Silicon Contents in Aluminium Alloy Produced by Electrolysis},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {13-19},
month = {July}
13-19 |
3 |
Wear and Change in Teeth Height in High Carbon Steel Blades of
Hand Hacksaw at different Load
Mohd Saad Saleem|| Md Zakaullah Zaka|| Mohd Shadab Khan
@article {key: article,
author = {Mohd Saad Saleem|| Md Zakaullah Zaka|| Mohd Shadab Khan},
title = {Wear and Change in Teeth Height in High Carbon Steel Blades of
Hand Hacksaw at different Load},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {20-25},
month = {July}
20-25 |
4 |
Process Design and Development of Electromagnetic Shearing Machine
SagarP.Kulkarni|| Shailesh B.Wahulkar|| Swapnil M.Yeole|| Anant Kumar|| Mangesh P.Naik|| Sushil D.Yeole
@article {key: article,
author = {SagarP.Kulkarni|| Shailesh B.Wahulkar|| Swapnil M.Yeole|| Anant Kumar|| Mangesh P.Naik|| Sushil D.Yeole},
title = {Process Design and Development of Electromagnetic Shearing Machine},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {26-34},
month = {July}
26-34 |
5 |
Enhancement of Track Guide Design
Mootaz. E. Abo-Elnor
@article {key: article,
author = {Mootaz. E. Abo-Elnor},
title = {Enhancement of Track Guide Design},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {35-39},
month = {July}
35-39 |
6 |
Improve the Impact Strength of Polymer-Polymer Composites after Post Curing
Sana S. Hameed|| Besma M. Fahad
@article {key: article,
author = {Sana S. Hameed|| Besma M. Fahad},
title = {Improve the Impact Strength of Polymer-Polymer Composites after Post Curing},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {40-44},
month = {July}
40-44 |
7 |
Methodology to evaluate the ARD potential in some Brazilian gold mines
Adilson Curi || Paulo André Ribeiro Lopes || José Fernando Miranda || Carlos Enrique Arroyo Ortiz
@article {key: article,
author = {Adilson Curi || Paulo André Ribeiro Lopes || José Fernando Miranda || Carlos Enrique Arroyo Ortiz},
title = {Methodology to evaluate the ARD potential in some Brazilian gold mines},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {45-50},
month = {July}
45-50 |
8 |
Speech Enhancement Based On Spectral Subtraction For Speech Recognition System With Dpcm
A.T. Rajamanickam|| N.P.Subiramaniyam|| A.Balamurugan|| and T.S.Yuvarani
@article {key: article,
author = {A.T. Rajamanickam|| N.P.Subiramaniyam|| A.Balamurugan|| and T.S.Yuvarani},
title = {Speech Enhancement Based On Spectral Subtraction For Speech Recognition System With Dpcm},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {51-58},
month = {July}
51-58 |
9 |
Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamic Performances Analysis of Helical Coil and Straight Tube Heat Exchanger
Pawan kumar yadav|| Sanjay kumbhare || K.K.Thakur|| Arun azad
@article {key: article,
author = {Pawan kumar yadav|| Sanjay kumbhare || K.K.Thakur|| Arun azad},
title = {Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamic Performances Analysis of Helical Coil and Straight Tube Heat Exchanger},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {59-64},
month = {July}
59-64 |
10 |
Development of a wound dressing with wireless communication to analyze relevant parameters for veterinary medicine Feasibility study part 1 -sensor-
Thomas Lekscha|| Jens Weinert
@article {key: article,
author = {Thomas Lekscha|| Jens Weinert},
title = {Development of a wound dressing with wireless communication to analyze relevant parameters for veterinary medicine Feasibility study part 1 -sensor-},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {65-70},
month = {July}
65-70 |
Version 3 |
1 |
Applications of Bipartite Graph in diverse fields including cloud computing
Arunkumar B R || Komala R
@article {key: article,
author = {Arunkumar B R || Komala R},
title = {Applications of Bipartite Graph in diverse fields including cloud computing},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {01-07},
month = {July}
01-07 |
2 |
Experimental Study on Reinforced Sand Dune Beds
Under Strip Footings
Ahmed M.Gamal ||Adel M. Belal|| Sameh Abo El-Soud|| Ashraf Al-Ashaal
@article {key: article,
author = {Ahmed M.Gamal ||Adel M. Belal|| Sameh Abo El-Soud|| Ashraf Al-Ashaal},
title = {Experimental Study on Reinforced Sand Dune Beds
Under Strip Footings},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {08-20},
month = {July}
08-20 |
3 |
Modeling and Manufacturing of K1-Connector of Two Wheeler Silencer by Using CAD/CAM Tools
Sachin N. Gaikwad|| Atish B. Dighewar
@article {key: article,
author = {Sachin N. Gaikwad|| Atish B. Dighewar},
title = {Modeling and Manufacturing of K1-Connector of Two Wheeler Silencer by Using CAD/CAM Tools},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {21-26},
month = {July}
21-26 |
4 |
Combined Effect of Nano Silica and Steel Fiber on Compressive Strength and Water Permeability of Concrete
Ahmed S. Elboghdadi|| Hala M. Elkady|| Hamed M. Salem|| And Ahmed M. Farahat
@article {key: article,
author = {Ahmed S. Elboghdadi|| Hala M. Elkady|| Hamed M. Salem|| And Ahmed M. Farahat},
title = {Combined Effect of Nano Silica and Steel Fiber on Compressive Strength and Water Permeability of Concrete},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {27-34},
month = {July}
27-34 |
5 |
Logistic waitress Robot Mark 1
Raman deep Singh|| Harinder Sharma|| Yogesh kumar Arya|| Dushyant|| *Anjesh Kumar
@article {key: article,
author = {Raman deep Singh|| Harinder Sharma|| Yogesh kumar Arya|| Dushyant|| *Anjesh Kumar},
title = {Logistic waitress Robot Mark 1},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {35-37},
month = {July}
35-37 |
6 |
Coupled Effect of Nano Silica and Steel Fiber on Fresh and Hardened Concrete Properties
Ahmed S. Elboghdadi|| Hala M. Elkady|| Hamed M. Salem|| and Ahmed M. Farahat
@article {key: article,
author = {Ahmed S. Elboghdadi|| Hala M. Elkady|| Hamed M. Salem|| and Ahmed M. Farahat},
title = {Coupled Effect of Nano Silica and Steel Fiber on Fresh and Hardened Concrete Properties},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {38-48},
month = {July}
38-48 |
7 |
Generating comparative analysis of early stage prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease
L.Jerlin Rubini|| Dr.P.Eswaran
@article {key: article,
author = {L.Jerlin Rubini|| Dr.P.Eswaran},
title = {Generating comparative analysis of early stage prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {49-55},
month = {July}
49-55 |
8 |
Data Mining For Fraud Detection
Sushma pal ||Aafreen Jamal
@article {key: article,
author = {Sushma pal ||Aafreen Jamal},
title = {Data Mining For Fraud Detection},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {56-59},
month = {July}
56-59 |
9 |
Increasing efficiency of wireless sensor network using decentralized approach
Er Ram Dyal || Er Varinderjit Kaur
@article {key: article,
author = {Er Ram Dyal || Er Varinderjit Kaur},
title = {Increasing efficiency of wireless sensor network using decentralized approach},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {60-65},
month = {July}
60-65 |
10 |
Biokinetic Study of Fish Processing Industrial Effluent Treatment in FBBR
Dr.G.V.R.Srinivasa Rao|| K.Srinivasa Murty|| Y.Krishna Chaitanya
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr.G.V.R.Srinivasa Rao|| K.Srinivasa Murty|| Y.Krishna Chaitanya},
title = {Biokinetic Study of Fish Processing Industrial Effluent Treatment in FBBR},
Journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {66-69},
month = {July}
66-69 |