S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
Page No. |
Pdf |
1 |
Pulsation and Vibration Study Of Reciprocating Compressor According To API 618 5th Edition
Pradip P. Shejal, Dr. A. D. Desai
@article {key: article,
author = {Pradip P. Shejal, Dr. A. D. Desai},
title = {Pulsation and Vibration Study Of Reciprocating Compressor According To API 618 5th Edition},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {01-23},
month = {July}
01-23 |
2 |
BER Performance for Convalutional Code with Soft & Hard Viterbi Decoding
Umesh Kumar Pandey, Prashant Purohit
@article {key: article,
author = {Umesh Kumar Pandey, Prashant Purohit},
title = {BER Performance for Convalutional Code with Soft & Hard Viterbi Decoding},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {24-27},
month = {July}
24-27 |
3 |
Analysis of Conditions in Boundary Lubrications Using Bearing
Shinde Sagar Vitthal, Ravindra R. Navthar
@article {key: article,
author = {Shinde Sagar Vitthal, Ravindra R. Navthar},
title = {Analysis of Conditions in Boundary Lubrications Using Bearing
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {28-32},
month = {July}
28-32 |
4 |
Numerical Analysis of Fin Side Turbulent Flow for Round and Flat Tube Heat Exchangers
Mallikarjuna, Dr. V Seshadri, Vijaya Raghu B
@article {key: article,
author = {Mallikarjuna, Dr. V Seshadri, Vijaya Raghu B},
title = {Numerical Analysis of Fin Side Turbulent Flow for Round and Flat Tube Heat Exchangers},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {33-39},
month = {July}
33-39 |
5 |
Free Vibration Analysis of Polyproplyne- Nanoclay Composite Beam with Crack
Narra. Tilak Ratan, Dr. G. Vijay Kumar, M. Rajya Lakshmi
@article {key: article,
author = {Narra. Tilak Ratan, Dr. G. Vijay Kumar, M. Rajya Lakshmi},
title = {Free Vibration Analysis of Polyproplyne- Nanoclay Composite Beam with Crack},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {40-46},
month = {July}
40-46 |
6 |
A Review of Issues in Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing and Product Recovery
Pisal Mahesh B., Quazi T. Z.
@article {key: article,
author = {Pisal Mahesh B., Quazi T. Z.},
title = {A Review of Issues in Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing and Product Recovery},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {47-54},
month = {July}
47-54 |
7 |
Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Campus
Prasad P. Netalkar, Yasha Kaushal, Dr. N. Shekar V. Shet
@article {key: article,
author = {Prasad P. Netalkar, Yasha Kaushal, Dr. N. Shekar V. Shet},
title = {Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Campus},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {55-62},
month = {July}
55-62 |
8 |
Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel from Sterculia Striata
K.Balasubramanian, Abhinav Balaji , K.Vignesh
@article {key: article,
author = {K.Balasubramanian, Abhinav Balaji , K.Vignesh},
title = {Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel from Sterculia Striata},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {63-73},
month = {July}
63-73 |
9 |
A Novel Approach of Harmonic Reduction with Transformer Connected 3-Phase Multilevel Inverter
Vipul Rastogi, Sudhanshu Tripathi
@article {key: article,
author = {Vipul Rastogi, Sudhanshu Tripathi},
title = {A Novel Approach of Harmonic Reduction with Transformer Connected 3-Phase Multilevel Inverter},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {74-87},
month = {July}
74-87 |
10 |
Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling
Kothawale Ganesh S., Borhade Sushama R., Prof. B. Raviprasad
@article {key: article,
author = {Kothawale Ganesh S., Borhade Sushama R., Prof. B. Raviprasad},
title = {Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {88-93},
month = {July}
88-93 |
Version 2 |
1 |
Time Series Data Analysis for Forecasting – A Literature Review
Neelam Mishra, Er. Abhinav Jain
@article {key: article,
author = {Pradip P. Shejal, Dr. A. D. Desai},
title = {Time Series Data Analysis for Forecasting – A Literature Review},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {01-05},
month = {July}
01-05 |
2 |
Design And Analysis Of Precast Load Bearing Walls For Multi Storey Building Using Etabs
Pernaty Ramu, S. M. Abdul Mannan Hussain, B. Tharu N. Kumar
@article {key: article,
author = {Pernaty Ramu, S. M. Abdul Mannan Hussain, B. Tharu N. Kumar},
title = {Design And Analysis Of Precast Load Bearing Walls For Multi Storey Building Using Etabs},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {06-13},
month = {July}
06-13 |
3 |
Analysis of Self Supported Steel Chimney as Per Indian Standard
B. Tharun Kumar Reddy, S M Abdul Mannan Hussain, Ramu Parnati
@article {key: article,
author = {B. Tharun Kumar Reddy, S M Abdul Mannan Hussain, Ramu Parnati},
title = {Analysis of Self Supported Steel Chimney as Per Indian Standard},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {14-17},
month = {July}
14-17 |
4 |
A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network based Technologies for Precision Agriculture System
Omveer, Dr. H.K.Singh, Rishikesh Patankar, Sandeep Bansal
@article {key: article,
author = {Omveer, Dr. H.K.Singh, Rishikesh Patankar, Sandeep Bansal},
title = {A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network based Technologies for Precision Agriculture System},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {18-25},
month = {July}
18-25 |
5 |
Work place stress preventive and curative measures
D. Sharon Lily, Dr. V. Tulasi Das
@article {key: article,
author = {D. Sharon Lily, Dr. V. Tulasi Das},
title = {Work place stress preventive and curative measures},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {26-29},
month = {July}
26-29 |
6 |
Strengthening Of RC Beam Using FRP Sheet
E. Rakesh Reddy, G. Ramakrishna
@article {key: article,
author = {E. Rakesh Reddy, G. Ramakrishna},
title = {Strengthening Of RC Beam Using FRP Sheet},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {30-63},
month = {July}
30-63 |
7 |
An Asymmetrical Dc-Dc Converter with a High Voltage Gain
Sarah Ben Abraham, Ms. Riya Scaria
@article {key: article,
author = {Sarah Ben Abraham, Ms. Riya Scaria},
title = {An Asymmetrical Dc-Dc Converter with a High Voltage Gain},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {64-74},
month = {July}
64-74 |
8 |
Trajectory Control With MPC For A Robot Manipülatör Using ANN Model
Bekir Cirak
@article {key: article,
author = {Bekir Cirak},
title = {Trajectory Control With MPC For A Robot Manipülatör Using ANN Model},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {75-83},
month = {July}
75-83 |
9 |
Effect of V Notch Shape on Fatigue Life in Steel Beam Made of High Carbon Steel Alloy AISI 1078
Qasim Bader, Emad Kadum
@article {key: article,
author = {Qasim Bader, Emad Kadum},
title = {Effect of V Notch Shape on Fatigue Life in Steel Beam Made of High Carbon Steel Alloy AISI 1078},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {84-91},
month = {July}
84-91 |
10 |
Investigate the Route of Chaos Induced Instabilities in Power System Network
Swarnankur Ghosh, Dr. G. K. Panda, Dr. P.K Saha, Avishek Ghose Roy, Indrajit Koley
@article {key: article,
author = {Swarnankur Ghosh, Dr. G. K. Panda, Dr. P.K Saha, Avishek Ghose Roy, Indrajit Koley},
title = {Investigate the Route of Chaos Induced Instabilities in Power System Network},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {92-99},
month = {July}
92-99 |
Version 3 |
1 |
Voltage Support and Reactive Power Control in Micro-grid using DG
Nagashree. J. R, Vasantha Kumara. T. M, Narasimhegowda
@article {key: article,
author = {Nagashree. J. R, Vasantha Kumara. T. M, Narasimhegowda},
title = {Voltage Support and Reactive Power Control in Micro-grid using DG},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {01-06},
month = {July}
01-06 |
2 |
Experimental Investigation of Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Diesel & Methanol
Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha K , Chandragowda M, Shivashankara gouda
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha K, Chandragowda M, Shivashankara gouda},
title = {Experimental Investigation of Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Diesel & Methanol},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {07-15},
month = {July}
07-15 |
3 |
Performance & emission of Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Diesel & Ethanol
Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha K , Chandragowda M, Lohit H A
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha K, Chandragowda M, Lohit H A},
title = {Performance & emission of Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Diesel & Ethanol},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {16-23},
month = {July}
16-23 |
4 |
The Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on the Hardness, Friction and Wear Resistance of Austenitic Ductile Iron Type D3 Tool Steel
K. S. Mahesh Lohith, V. B. Sondur, V. V. Sondur
@article {key: article,
author = {K. S. Mahesh Lohith, V. B. Sondur, V. V. Sondur},
title = {The Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on the Hardness, Friction and Wear Resistance of Austenitic Ductile Iron Type D3 Tool Steel},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {24-29},
month = {July}
24-29 |
5 |
A Study on Groundnut Husk Ash (GHA)–Concrete under Acid Attack
Egbe-Ngu Ntui Ogork, Okorie Austine Uche, Augustine Uche Elinwa
@article {key: article,
author = {Egbe-Ngu Ntui Ogork, Okorie Austine Uche, Augustine Uche Elinwa},
title = {A Study on Groundnut Husk Ash (GHA)–Concrete under Acid Attack},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {30-35},
month = {July}
30-35 |
6 |
Comparing: Routing Protocols on Basis of sleep mode
Sukhdeep Kaur, Rohit Kumar, Lokesh Pawar
@article {key: article,
author = {Sukhdeep Kaur, Rohit Kumar, Lokesh Pawar},
title = {Comparing: Routing Protocols on Basis of sleep mode},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {36-41},
month = {July}
36-41 |
7 |
Implementation of High Throughput Radix-16 FFT Processor
K Swetha sree, Mr. T. Lakshmi Narayana
@article {key: article,
author = {K Swetha sree, Mr. T. Lakshmi Narayana},
title = {Implementation of High Throughput Radix-16 FFT Processor},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {42-52},
month = {July}
42-52 |
8 |
Implementation of UART with Status Register using Multi Bit Flip-Flop
P. Rajee Priyanka, S R Sastry Kalavakolanu
@article {key: article,
author = {P. Rajee Priyanka, S R Sastry Kalavakolanu},
title = {Implementation of UART with Status Register using Multi Bit Flip-Flop},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {53-57},
month = {July}
53-57 |
9 |
On πgθ-Homeomorphisms in Topological Spaces
C. Janaki, M. Anandhi
@article {key: article,
author = {C. Janaki, M. Anandhi},
title = {On πgθ-Homeomorphisms in Topological Spaces},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {58-65},
month = {July}
58-65 |
10 |
Optimization of Corynebacterium glutamicum Immobilization on Alginate and Investigation into its Storage Conditions
Tran Thi Minh Tam, Nguyen Thuy Huong
@article {key: article,
author = {Tran Thi Minh Tam, Nguyen Thuy Huong},
title = {Optimization of Corynebacterium glutamicum Immobilization on Alginate and Investigation into its Storage Conditions},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {66-71},
month = {July}
66-71 |
Version 4 |
1 |
On Some Integrals of Products of H -Functions
Vineeta Malsariya, Yashwant Singh
@article {key: article,
author = {Vineeta Malsariya, Yashwant Singh},
title = {On Some Integrals of Products of H -Functions},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {01-06},
month = {July}
01-06 |
2 |
Analysis of stiffened plate using FE Approach
Anupama B. M, Jayashankar babu B. S
@article {key: article,
author = {Anupama B. M, Jayashankar babu B. S},
title = {Analysis of stiffened plate using FE Approach},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {07-12},
month = {July}
07-12 |
3 |
A review of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminium Composite and Functionally Graded composites as a Future material for Aerospace
Gururaja udupa, S. Shrikantha Rao, K.V. Gangadharan
@article {key: article,
author = {Gururaja udupa, S. Shrikantha Rao, K.V. Gangadharan},
title = {A review of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminium Composite and Functionally Graded composites as a Future material for Aerospace},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {13-22},
month = {July}
13-22 |
4 |
An optimised multi value logic cell design with new architecture of many value logic gates
Prajyant Pathak, Puran Gour
@article {key: article,
author = {Prajyant Pathak, Puran Gour},
title = {An optimised multi value logic cell design with new architecture of many value logic gates},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {23-27},
month = {July}
23-27 |
5 |
Determination of Stress Intensity Factor for a Crack Emanating From a Rivet Hole and Approaching Another for a Curved Sheet
Raghavendra. P, Anand. A, S. R. Basavaraddi
@article {key: article,
author = {Raghavendra. P, Anand. A, S. R. Basavaraddi},
title = {Determination of Stress Intensity Factor for a Crack Emanating From a Rivet Hole and Approaching Another for a Curved Sheet},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {28-37},
month = {July}
28-37 |
6 |
VLSI Design of Fast Addition Using QSD Adder for Better Performance
G. Jayaprakash, B. Adinarayana
@article {key: article,
author = {G. Jayaprakash, B. Adinarayana},
title = {VLSI Design of Fast Addition Using QSD Adder for Better Performance},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {38-43},
month = {July}
38-43 |
7 |
Authenticated and unrestricted auditing of big data space on cloud through valid and efficient granular updates
Suhas. S, Ramani. S
@article {key: article,
author = {Suhas. S, Ramani. S},
title = {Authenticated and unrestricted auditing of big data space on cloud through valid and efficient granular updates},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {44-48},
month = {July}
44-48 |
8 |
A Review of Issues in Photochemical Machining
Yadav R. P., Teli S. N
@article {key: article,
author = {Yadav R. P., Teli S. N},
title = {A Review of Issues in Photochemical Machining},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {49-53},
month = {July}
49-53 |
9 |
A Detailed Modelingof a Five Parameters Model for Photovoltaic Modules
NouarAoun, Boukheit Nahman, Rachid Chenni, KadaBouchouicha
@article {key: article,
author = {NouarAoun, Boukheit Nahman, Rachid Chenni, KadaBouchouicha},
title = {A Detailed Modelingof a Five Parameters Model for Photovoltaic Modules},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {54-59},
month = {July}
54-59 |
10 |
Electro Slag Strip Cladding Process
Thakare Niraj S, Ram Yadav
@article {key: article,
author = {Thakare Niraj S, Ram Yadav},
title = {Electro Slag Strip Cladding Process},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {60-64},
month = {July}
60-64 |
Version 5 |
1 |
Application of Neural Network for Cell Formation in Group Technology
Prabhat Kumar Giri , Dr. S. K. Moulick
@article {key: article,
author = {Prabhat Kumar Giri, Dr. S. K. Moulick},
title = {Application of Neural Network for Cell Formation in Group Technology},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {01-05},
month = {July}
01-05 |
2 |
Automatic Segmentation of scaling in 2-D psoriasis skin images using a semi supervised algorithm
Puneeth G J, Girisha H
@article {key: article,
author = {Puneeth G J, Girisha H},
title = {Automatic Segmentation of scaling in 2-D psoriasis skin images using a semi supervised algorithm},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {06-10},
month = {July}
06-10 |
3 |
A Comparative Study on Privacy Preserving Datamining Techniques
M. Nithya, Dr. T. Sheela
@article {key: article,
author = {M. Nithya, Dr. T. Sheela},
title = {A Comparative Study on Privacy Preserving Datamining Techniques},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {11-14},
month = {July}
11-14 |
4 |
Review and Comparisons between Multiple Ant Based Routing Algorithms in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET)
Gholamhasan Sajedy-Abkenar, Amirhossein Jozdani, Sahar Aslanzadeh
@article {key: article,
author = {Gholamhasan Sajedy-Abkenar, Amirhossein Jozdani, Sahar Aslanzadeh},
title = {Review and Comparisons between Multiple Ant Based Routing Algorithms in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET)},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {15-20},
month = {July}
15-20 |
5 |
A Novel High Performance H-Bridge Converter Topology for 8/6 pole SRM Drive
V. V. N. Murthy, S. S. Tulasi Ram, J. Amarnath
@article {key: article,
author = {V. V. N. Murthy, S. S. Tulasi Ram, J. Amarnath},
title = {A Novel High Performance H-Bridge Converter Topology for 8/6 pole SRM Drive},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {21-32},
month = {July}
21-32 |
6 |
Analysis of Human Behavior Based On Centroid and Treading Track
Ms. K. V. Patil, Prof. D. D. Dighe
@article {key: article,
author = {Ms. K. V. Patil, Prof. D. D. Dighe},
title = {Analysis of Human Behavior Based On Centroid and Treading Track},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {33-37},
month = {July}
33-37 |
7 |
To Study the mechanical properties of coconut coir fiber reinforced with epoxy resin AW 106 & HV 953 IN
Abdul Nazeer
@article {key: article,
author = {Abdul Nazeer},
title = {To Study the mechanical properties of coconut coir fiber reinforced with epoxy resin AW 106 & HV 953 IN},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {38-47},
month = {July}
38-47 |
8 |
Damage Tolerance Evaluation for Wing Structure with Large Cutout
Sukeerth D A, Thammaiah Gowda
@article {key: article,
author = {Sukeerth D A, Thammaiah Gowda},
title = {Damage Tolerance Evaluation for Wing Structure with Large Cutout},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {48-57},
month = {July}
48-57 |
9 |
Seismic Assessment of Existing Bridge Using OPENSEES
Jadhav S. S., Pawar P. M., Kadam Gauri
@article {key: article,
author = {Jadhav S. S., Pawar P. M., Kadam Gauri},
title = {Seismic Assessment of Existing Bridge Using OPENSEES},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {58-62},
month = {July}
58-62 |
10 |
Regeneration of Liquid Desiccant in Solar Passive Regenerator with Enhanced Performance
J. R. Mehta
@article {key: article,
author = {J. R. Mehta},
title = {Regeneration of Liquid Desiccant in Solar Passive Regenerator with Enhanced Performance},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {63-65},
month = {July}
63-65 |
Version 6 |
1 |
Studies on Al8081-B4C Metal Matrix Composites Fabricated by Stir Casting Method
Kumar Lingaraj Patil, Mousil Ali, Madeva Nagaral
@article {key: article,
author = {Kumar Lingaraj Patil, Mousil Ali, Madeva Nagaral},
title = {Studies on Al8081-B4C Metal Matrix Composites Fabricated by Stir Casting Method},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {01-04},
month = {July}
01-04 |
2 |
Advanced Automation System in Industrial Applications Using PIC Microcontroller and GSM
K. Siva Prasad, B. Kumuda, U. Shantha Kumar, M. Ashok Kumar
@article {key: article,
author = {K. Siva Prasad, B. Kumuda, U. Shantha Kumar, M. Ashok Kumar},
title = {Advanced Automation System in Industrial Applications Using PIC Microcontroller and GSM},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {05-10},
month = {July}
05-10 |
3 |
Simulation of MPPT Algorithm Based Hybrid Wind-Solar-Fuel
Cell Energy System
Kalpana. P, Venkata Pradeep. G
@article {key: article,
author = {Kalpana. P, Venkata Pradeep. G},
title = {Simulation of MPPT Algorithm Based Hybrid Wind-Solar-Fuel
Cell Energy System},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {11-18},
month = {July}
11-18 |
4 |
Applications of Artificial Neural Network and Wavelet Transform For Condition Monitoring of the Combined Faults of Unbalance and Bearing Clearance
H. K. Srinivas, Shamanth. S. Holla, Karthik. B. S, Niroop.S, Chiranjeevi. D
@article {key: article,
author = {H. K. Srinivas, Shamanth. S. Holla, Karthik. B. S, Niroop.S, Chiranjeevi. D},
title = {Applications of Artificial Neural Network and Wavelet Transform For Condition Monitoring of the Combined Faults of Unbalance and Bearing Clearance},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {19-28},
month = {July}
19-28 |
5 |
Tensile and Flexural Properties of Sisal/Jute Hybrid Natural Fiber Composites
Sudhir.A, Madhukiran.J, Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Dr.S.Madhusudan
@article {key: article,
author = {Sudhir.A, Madhukiran.J, Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Dr.S.Madhusudan},
title = {Tensile and Flexural Properties of Sisal/Jute Hybrid Natural Fiber Composites},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {29-35},
month = {July}
29-35 |
6 |
Growth and Development of FDI on Indian Economy
J. Rama Devi, Prof. B. Ramachandra Reddy
@article {key: article,
author = {J. Rama Devi, Prof. B. Ramachandra Reddy},
title = {Growth and Development of FDI on Indian Economy},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {36-40},
month = {July}
36-40 |
7 |
Modeling and Reduction of Root Fillet Stress in Spur Gear Using Stress Relieving Feature
Deep Singh Vishwakarma, Dr. Rohit Rajvaidya
@article {key: article,
author = {Deep Singh Vishwakarma, Dr. Rohit Rajvaidya},
title = {Modeling and Reduction of Root Fillet Stress in Spur Gear Using Stress Relieving Feature},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {41-48},
month = {July}
41-48 |
8 |
Introduction to the selection of corridor and requirements, implementation of IVHS (Intelligent Vehicle Highway System) In Hyderabad
Maddali Sai Satya Goutham, Bhanu Kireeti Chanda
@article {key: article,
author = {Maddali Sai Satya Goutham, Bhanu Kireeti Chanda},
title = {Introduction to the selection of corridor and requirements, implementation of IVHS (Intelligent Vehicle Highway System) In Hyderabad},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {49-54},
month = {July}
49-54 |
9 |
Experimentation of Jute Fiber Supplemented with E-Glass in Various Layers Alignment
Rahul Komma, K.Prudhvi Raj, Dinesh Souda
@article {key: article,
author = {Rahul Komma, K.Prudhvi Raj, Dinesh Souda},
title = {Experimentation of Jute Fiber Supplemented with E-Glass in Various Layers Alignment},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {55-62},
month = {July}
55-62 |
10 |
Performance & emission characteristics of Two Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Diesel & Pine oil
Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru , Chandragowda M , Manjunath K, Manjunath k J
@article {key: article,
author = {Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Chandragowda M, Manjunath K, Manjunath k J},
title = {Performance & emission characteristics of Two Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Diesel & Pine oil},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {7},
pages = {63-69},
month = {July}
63-69 |