S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
Page No. |
1 |
Facial Expression Recognition for Security Mrs. Ayesha Butalia, Dr. Maya Ingle, Dr. Parag Kulkarni |
1449-1453 |
2 |
Edxrf Analysis Of Soil Samples To Study The Role Of Trace Elements In Optimizing The Yield Virendra Singh, H.M. Agrawal |
1454-1458 |
3 |
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Weld Parameters on Mechanical and Micro structural Properties of Dissimilar Aluminium Alloy FS Welds R. Madhusudhan, M. M. M. Sarcar, N. Ramanaiah,K. Prasada Rao |
1459-1463 |
4 |
Production, purification and characterization of Lipase isolated from salt water Halobacterium sp V. Ramadas, R. Lavanya Ramadoss |
1464-1472 |
5 |
An Efficient Clustering Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Miss. S. Poongodi, Mrs. P. Tamilselvi |
1473-1477 |
6 |
Period Based Defence Mechanism against Data flooding attacks O. Mrudula, B. Subbareddy, P. P. S. Naik |
1478-1481 |
7 |
Robust Information Clustering on MDI Mr. S. M. Krishna Ganesh, Dr. S. Venkatesan Jaya Kumar |
1482-1485 |
8 |
Diesel Emission Control by Hot EGR and Ethanol Fumigation; an Experimental Investigation Gurumoorthy S. Hebbar, Anantha Krishna Bhat |
1486-1491 |
9 |
Development & Characterization of Ceramic Membranes Manohar |
1492-1506 |
10 |
Witness Based Criminal Identification Using Data mining Techniques and New Gaussian Mixture Model Uttam Mande, Y. Srinivas, J. V. R. Murthy |
1507-1510 |
11 |
Estimation of Pit Excavation Volume by Fifth Degree Polynomial Karwan H. F Jwamer, H.-S. Faraidun Kadir, A. Jamal Muhamad |
1511-1517 |
12 |
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Surface Aerator in the Activated Sludge Process Treatment of Food Processing Effluent T. Subramani, K. Arulalan |
1518-1528 |
13 |
Flow and heat transfer behaviour across circular cylinder and tube banks with and without splitter plate S. G. Chakrabarty, Dr. U. S. Wankhede |
1529-1533 |
14 |
Experimental and Numerical Analysis On Horizontal Jet Flocculates For Small Water Supply Schemes T. Subramani, Suraja Nair |
1534-1539 |
15 |
Design Of Model For Incremental Development Of Software Modules To Evaluate The Quality Of Software Modules Dr. C.S. Lamba, Sanjay Kumar |
1540-1542 |
16 |
Implementation of Direct Torque and Indirect Flux Control of Bldc Motor B. Amruth Kumar Reddy, G.Kumaraswamy |
1543-1547 |
17 |
Shortest Time Quantum Scheduling Algorithm ABDULLA SHAIK |
1548-1551 |
18 |
Feature Selection for Wireless Intrusion Detection System Using Filter and Wrapper Model Mohanabharathi R., Mr. T. Kalaikumaran, Dr. S. Karthi |
1552-1556 |
19 |
Designe and Analysis of Propeller SHAT By Using KEVLOR/EPOXY Composite Thahar Ali Syed, Adnan Javed, Kasala Raju, Naga Raju M. |
1557-1563 |
20 |
Parameter Dependent Performance Optimization In Live Migration Of Virtual Machine K. Phaneendra, Venu Madhav Sunkara, R. Vijaya, G. Rajendra |
1564-1571 |
21 |
E-Learning Retrieval System Through Advanced Data Mining Clustering Technique V. Venkateswaran, R. Ramakrishnan, A. Ramalingam |
1572-1575 |
22 |
Finite Element Analysis of Thin Walled-Shell Structures by ANSYS and LS-DYNA T. Subramani, Athulya Sugathan |
1576-1587 |
23 |
Mathematical Model for Commercial Production of Bio-Gas from Sewage Water And Kitchen Waste T. Subramani, M. Nallathambi |
1588-1595 |
24 |
3d Heat Transfer Analysis And Numerical Modeling Of Lenstm Process For Thin Wall By Using Stainless Steel 304 Chirag P. Patel, Prof. R.I. Patel |
1596-1601 |
25 |
Quantum Computer (Information) and Quantum Mechanical Behaviour- A Quid Pro Quo Model Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
1602-1731 |
26 |
Effective routing protocols for delay tolerant network Sukhbir, Dr. Rishipal Singh |
1732-1735 |
27 |
3d Heat Transfer Analysis and Numerical Modeling of LENSTM Process for One End Stepped Cylindrical Wall by Using Stainless Steel 304 Chirag P. Patel, Prof. R. I. Patel |
1736-1740 |
28 |
Experimental Investigation of Cotton Seed Oil and Neem Methyl Esters as Biodiesel On Ci Engine K.Dilip Kumar, P.Ravindra Kumar |
1741-1746 |
29 |
Enhancing Security in a Video Copy Detection System Using Content Based Fingerprinting E. Meenachi, G. Selva Vinayagam, C. Vinothini |
1747-1753 |
30 |
The Effects of Different Temperatures and Temperature Cycling On Breakdown Voltages of Tantalum Capacitors Johanna Virkki |
1754-1756 |
31 |
Synthesis, Characterization Ac Conductivity of Ni2+ Doped In Magnesium Ferrite Pathan Amjadkhan Noorkhan, Sangshetty Kalayne |
1757-1760 |
32 |
Event, Cause, Space-Time and Quantum Memory Register- A Forty Two Storey Augmentation-Arrondissement Model Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
1761-1813 |
33 |
A New Three Phase Seven Level Asymmetrical Inverter with Hybrid Carrier and Third Harmonic Reference Johnson Uthayakumar R., Natarajan S.P., Padmathilagam. V. |
1814-1818 |
34 |
Performance of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverters K. Lakshmi Ganesh, U. Chandra Rao |
1819-1827 |
35 |
Internal Differentiation, Comparative Variability, Structural Morpohology, Normative Aspect of Prognostication of Ipse Dixit NP Hard Problems-A Totalistic Paradigmatic Statement Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
1828-1871 |
36 |
Shape Recognition Based On Features Matching Using Morphological Operations Shikha Garg, Gianetan Singh Sekhon |
1872-1874 |
37 |
Modeling and Analysis of Laminated Composite Leaf Spring under the Static Load Condition by using FEA M. Raghavedra, Syed Altaf Hussain, V. Pandurangadu, K. PalaniKumar |
1875-1879 |
38 |
Tribological Investigation of Detonation Sprayed Ni-Cr And Al2O3 13Tio2 Coatings On Grey Cast Iron To Enhance Its Wear Resistance Harjot Singh Gill, J. P. Singla, Dr. N. K. Grover |
1880-1882 |
39 |
Drought Investigation for Crop Planning in Gagar Watershed in Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand P. D. Aher, K. K. Singh, H. C. Sharma |
1883-1887 |
40 |
Use of IEEE 802.11e to Ensure the Quality of Service (QOS) For Multimedia Streaming V. REVATHI, S. VANITHA |
1888-1897 |
41 |
Air Brake Proportional to Load Saeed Abu Alyazeed Albatlan |
1898-1902 |
42 |
Multilevel Converter for Ac–Dc Harmonic Immunity in VSC Hvdc Transmission Polisetty Hema Sundar, Aswani Kumar Eedara |
1903-1907 |
43 |
Performance Evaluation of Single Phase H-Bridge Type Diode Clamped Five Level Inverter E. Sambath, S. P. Natarajan, C. R. Balamurugan |
1908-1913 |
44 |
Design of Ring Road for Erode District Using GIS T. SUBRAMANI, P. MALAISAMY |
1914-1919 |
45 |
Study of a Parabolic Leaf Spring by Finite Element Method & Design of Experiments Manas Patnaik, Narendra Yadav, Ritesh Dewangan |
1920-1922 |
46 |
Oofp: Mapping the Oose Models into Function Points: Rules, Tool and Case Study Durga Gehlot, Prof. Meena Sharma |
1923-1928 |
47 |
Edge Coloring of a Complement Fuzzy Graph Arindam Dey, Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, Anita Pal |
1929-1933 |
48 |
A class of Harmonic Univalent Functions with Varying Arguments Defined by Generalized Derivative Operator Y. P. Yadav, N. D. Sangle |
1934-1939 |
49 |
Image Watermarking Algorithm in DWT Domain
Mr. Chaudhari M. A, Prof. Gunjal B. L |
1940-1943 |
50 |
Mathematical Model of ECG Signal for OFF Line Adaptive signal Processing in MATLAB Gade S. S., Shendage S. B., Uplane M. D. |
1944-1946 |
51 |
Detection the Ratio of Bilirubin in Human Body Using Laser Technology Mohammed F. Mohammed, Dina J. Matti, Rasha K. Mohammed |
1947-1950 |
52 |
Symmetric Key Cryptography on Images in AES Algorithm and Hiding Data Losslessly T. Arumuga Maria Devi, Sabitha.S |
1951-1954 |
53 |
Protection of Privacy in Distributed Databases using Clustering Ganesh P., KamalRaj R., Dr.Karthik S |
1955-1957 |
54 |
Effect Of TO & CFO on OFDM and SIR Analysis and Interference Cancellation in MIMO-OFDM N. Sreekanth, Dr. M. N. Giri Prasad |
1958-1967 |
55 |
Implementation and Performance Analysis of MIMO Digital Video Broadcasting-T2 A. Ramya, Prof. Mrs. B. Devi |
1968-1971 |
56 |
Pressure Sensor based Event Data Recorder Dinesh, Sree Rajendra |
1972-1976 |
57 |
Von Neumann Entropy in Quantum Computation and Sine qua non Relativistic Parameters- a Gesellschaft-Gemeinschaft Model Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
1977-2016 |
58 |
Wireless Sensor Networks for Paddy Field Crop Monitoring Application in Kuttanad Santhosh Simon, K. Paulose Jacob |
2017-2020 |
59 |
Stiffness Metrics for Design of 3-RRR Flexible Manipulator K. V. Varalakshmi, Dr. J. Srinivas |
2021-2027 |
60 |
Turing Machine Operation-A Checks and Balances Model Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof C S Bagewadi |
2028-2109 |
61 |
Shell Matricies and Fermion Verticies-Predicational Anteriority and Character Constitution Thereof Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
2110-2167 |
62 |
Conventional Fuel Generated from Polypropylene (PP) Waste Plastic like Kerosene/Jet/ Aviation Grade with Activated Carbon Moinuddin Sarker, Mohammad Mamunor Rashid, Muhammad Sadikur Rahman |
2168-2173 |
63 |
Design and Analysis of P&O and IP&O MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic System J. Surya Kumari, Dr. Ch. Sai Babu, A. Kamalakar Babu |
2174-2180 |
64 |
A Hybrid Model to Identify Flaws in Textile Kamaldeep Kaur, Deepak Goyal, Neeru |
2181-2184 |
65 |
Theory of Alfa Ray Production, Quantum Tunneling, Redundancy, Entropy, Event, Cause, Space, Time, Storage Ability and Entanglement-A Tarantula-Guillemot Model Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
2185-2235 |
66 |
Performance Evolution and Comparison of Geographical Location Aided Routing and AODV Routing In MANET V. Kalpana, S. Kannan, Dr. S. Karthik |
2236-2241 |
67 |
Some Contributions to Yang Mills Theory Fortification –Dissipation Models Dr. K. N. Prasanna Kumar, Prof. B. S. Kiranagi, Prof. C. S. Bagewadi |
2242-2286 |
68 |
Privileged Cryptography Abhishek Dhull, Priti |
2287-2289 |
69 | Shape Recognition based on Features matching using Morphological Operations Shikha Garg, Gianetan Singh Sekhon |
2290-2292 |
70 |
Performance of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverters K. Lakshmi Ganesh, U. Chandra Rao |
2293-2302 |
71 |
Synthesis, Characterization ac conductivity of Ni2+ doped in magnesium ferrite Pathan Amjadkhan Noorkhan, Sangshetty Kalayne |
2303-2306 |
72 |
The Effects of Different Temperatures and Temperature Cycling on Breakdown Voltages of Tantalum Capacitors Johanna Virkki |
2307-2310 |
73 |
An Algorithm for Image Compression Using 2D Wavelet Transform Mr. B. H. Deokate, Dr. P. M. Patil |
2311-2315 |
74 |
The Terminal System Design based on hybrid RFID-GPS in Vehicular communications A. Rajasekhar reddy, P.Anwar basha |
2316-2319 |
76 |
A Review on Finite Element Simulations in Metal Forming Dr. P. V. R. Ravindra Reddy, G. Chandra Mohan Reddy, P. Radhakrishna Prasad |
2326-2330 |
77 |
Shift variance behavior for different sub-band coding systems, Biorthogonal, Orthogonal and Bspline wavelets Gamal Fahmy |
2331-2340 |
78 |
Joint Watermarking and Compression for Images in Transform Domain Gamal Fahmy |
2341-2351 |
79 |
Implementation of ANN Based Controllers to Improve the Dynamic Performance of a Shunt Active Power Filter D. Gowtami, S. Ravindra, S. Surya Kalavathi |
2352-2357 |
80 |
Analytical Study on Seismic Performance of Hybrid (DUAL) Structural System Subjected To Earthquake Nabin Raj .C, S.Elavenil |
2358-2363 |
81 |
A Power Quality Enhancement in a Electric Grid Based Network Using MPFC with Fuzzy Controller Y. Jhansi, K. Mahesh |
2364-2370 |
82 |
MRI images de-noising based in Dual-Tree complex Wavelet and Bayesian MAP Estimator R. Mavudila, Lh. Masmoudi, M. Cherkaoui, N. Hassanain |
2371-2376 |
83 |
On the Estimation of the Software Process Maturity using COCOMO II's Effort Estimation based on CMMI Yousef Alkouni Alghdr, M. Afshar Alam, Muqeem Ahmed |
2377-2383 |
84 |
Polyaniline Based Polymeric Nano composite Containing TiO2 and SnO2 for Environmental and Energy Applications Rajeev Arora, Anupam Srivastav, Utam Kumar Mandal |
2384-2395 |
85 |
A Comparative Study on Effective Schemes for Network Selection in 4G Communication Systems Jeeva Susan Jacob, Preetha K. G. |
2396-2403 |
86 |
A Simulation Based Performance Analysis of AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANETs Biswaraj Sen, Sanku Sinha |
2404-2408 |
87 |
Transaction Processing In Replicated Data in the DDBMS Ashish Srivastava, Udai Shankar, Sanjay Kumar Tiwari |
2409-2416 |
88 |
Chance Constrained Quadratic Bi-level Programming Problem Surapati Pramanik, Durga Banerjee |
2417-2423 |
89 |
An Efficient Classification Algorithm for Real Estate domain Geetali Banerji, Kanak Saxena |
2424-2430 |
90 |
Moment Resisting Frame with Rubber Base Isolation for Development of Earthquake Resisting Structures Evany Nithya S., Dr. Rajesh Prasanna P. |
2431-2433 |
91 |
Nigeria's Wind Energy Potentials: the Path to a Diversified Electricity Generation-Mix
Idris N. A., Lamin, H. S., Ladan, M. J., Yusuf, B.H. |
2434-2437 |
92 |
Electric Field Dependent Specific Heat of SrTiO3, BaTiO3 and KTaO3 Ferroelectric Perovskites Gaurav Kumar Aggarwal, Ashok Kumar, UC Naithani |
2438-2444 |
93 |
Cyclic Redundancy Check Generation Using Multiple Lookup Table Algorithms Indu I., Manu T. S. |
2445-2451 |
94 |
Zinc Oxide Nanorods: Synthesis and Its Applications in Solar Cell Chittaranjan Bhakat, Prasoon Pal Singh |
2452-2454 |
95 |
Performance Analysis of RS and CC Coding Methods in OFDM WiMAX System for BPSK and QPSK Modulation Techniques Kavita Rani, Ankur Sood, Nitin Arora |
2455-2457 |
96 |
Global Block-Based Redundancy Architectures For Self-Repairing Of Embedded Memories T. Govinda Rao, K. V. V. Satyannarayana, J. Sathish Kumar |
2458-2463 |
97 |
Formability of Magnesium Alloys M. Sivanandini, Dr. S. S. Dhami, Dr. B. S. Pabla |
2464-2471 |
98 |
The Influence of Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer on Balance Fault Analysis Pratik Biswas |
2472-2476 |
99 |
Market Based Transmission Expansion Planning For Indian Power Systems G. Srinivasulu, Dr. B. Subramanyam, K. V. Kishore, P. Udai Kumar |
2477-2484 |
101 |
Study of Parameter in Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) MAC protocol in wireless Ad Hoc Environment Pinki Dabas, Sanjeet Kumar, Vinay Panwar |
2490-2492 |
102 |
B-Continuity in Peterson graph and power of a Cycle S. Chandra Kumar, T. Nicholas |
2493-2496 |
103 |
Effect of number of cycles on mechanical properties of Al sheets using corrugative and straightening method Susheelkumar Vijapur, M Krishna, H. N. Narasimha Murthy |
2497-2499 |
104 |
Land Sale Geographic Information System based on Web and Web Mobile using Google Map I Nyoman Piarsa, A. A. Kt. A. Cahyawan Wiranatha, Yohanes Perdana Putra |
2500-2503 |
105 |
ARM Based Solar Tracking System K. Sreenivasa Rao, M. Mahesh |
2504-2507 |
106 |
CB Based Approach for Mining Frequent Itemsets K. Jothimani, Dr. Antony Selvadoss Thanamani |
2508-2511 |
107 |
Analysis of Load Constant in Manual Material Handling Task by Taguchi Technique & Mathematical Regression Modeling Ganesh Pal Singh Jadon, Manish Kumar Sagar |
2512-2515 |
108 |
ANFIS Modeling and Experimental Study of Standalone Photovoltaic Battery Charging System A. Durgadevi, S. Arulselvi |
2516-2520 |
109 |
Defect Proneness forecasting in component based software development: A Generic frame work for OO Systems
Mr. G. Viswanath, Mr. N. Bala Krishna |
2521-2528 |
110 |
Chaos and Control of Chaos in Current Controlled Power Factor Corrected AC-DC Boost Regulator Arnab Ghosh, Dr. Pradip Kumar Saha, Dr. Goutam Kumar Panda |
2529-2533 |
111 |
Stroke-Database Design for Online Handwriting Recognition in Bangla K. Roy |
2534-2540 |
112 |
The Outbound Voice Traffic Reduction Scheme in the Push-To-Talk Environment Jong Min Lee, Seong-Woo Kim, Yang Xiao |
2541-2548 |
113 |
Influence of Team Familiarity on Team Performance in Distributed Teams Sairam Vakkalanka, Ranjith Engu |
2549-2551 |
114 |
Design and Fabrication of Composite Bumper for Light Passenger Vehicles S. Prabhakaran, K. Chinnarasu, M. Senthil Kumar |
2552-2556 |
115 |
Effect of Acoustic on Students' Performance in Secondary Classroom Environment: A Review Mohammad Moslemi Haghighi, Loh Ee Chiao, Mahmud Bin Mohd Jusan |
2557-2560 |
116 |
Current Hormonic Analysis Of A Dual Two Level Inverter Fed Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive Based On SVPWM Switching Stratagies Dr. K. Sri Gowri, S. Venkata Mahesh, M. Abdul Hakeem |
2561-2567 |
117 |
Consistency Evolution of Process models based on Structural Analysis and Behavioral Profiles CH. Gurunatham, P. Rajarajeswari, Dr. D. Vasumathi |
2568-2573 |
118 |
Modelling and Controlling Of Unified Power Flow Controller (Upfc)
K. Suresh, P. Venkatesh |
2574-2577 |
119 |
Charging a Battery with the Electric Organ Discharge of Malapterurus Electricus Catfish Hangnilo Robert |
2578-2580 |
120 |
Early Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease for Betelvine Plants Using Digital Image Analysis Mr. J. Vijayakumar, Dr. S. Arumugam |
2581-2583 |
121 |
Evaluation of Flexural Properties of Fly Ash Filled Polypropylene Composites Jitendra Gummadi, G. Vijay Kumar, Gunti Rajesh |
2584-2590 |
122 |
Demonstration of Chromatic Dispersion in Borosilicate Crown Glass Microstructure Optical Fiber Er. Mahesh Chand, Er. Sandhya Sharma, Er. Ravindra Kumar Sharma |
2591-2593 |
123 |
Modeling and Structural analysis of heavy vehicle chassis made of polymeric composite material by three different cross sections M. Ravi Chandra, S. Sreenivasulu, Syed Altaf Hussain |
2594-2600 |
124 |
Reviewing Testability of Object Oriented Systems for Non-Functional Specifications Vaishali Chourey, Dr. Meena Sharma |
2601-2606 |
125 | A Robust Image Enhancement by Using Multi-Resolution Transforms Syed Izhan, I. V. G. Manohar |
2607-2610 |
126 |
The Comparison of Moment Invariants and to Remove Blur By Using Zernike Moments T. Rajesh Kumar, Bhookya Nageswararao Naik |
2611-2614 |
127 |
Analysis and Improvement of Image Quality in De-Blocked Images U. SRINIVAS, K. SYAM PRASAD |
2615-2620 |
128 |
A Novel Algorithm for peak to Average Ratio Reduction in Wireless OFDM Systems P. Venkat Rao, I. Rama Koteshwara Rao |
2621-2624 |
129 |
Modified Energy Aware Geographic Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Anand Gautam, Shiva Prakash |
2625-2630 |
130 |
An Efficient Online Voting System Ankit Anand, Pallavi Divya |
2631-2634 |
131 |
A Extensive Technique For Image Segmentation By Using Algorithm Of MAP-ML Vijayadheeswar Reddy, I. V. G. Manohar |
2635-2640 |
132 |
Analaysis and Implementation of UWB Receiver in Multi-Band OFDM Systems P. Srilakshmi, N. Gopi Chand |
2641-2645 |
133 |
Solution of Non-Convex Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Valve Point Loading Effects Using PSO G. Sreenivasan, Dr. C. H. Saibabu, Dr. S. Sivanagaraju |
2646-2654 |
134 |
A Study of Net Section Failure between Two Equal Cracks in an Infinite Plate Naveen Kumar H. S., Prof. B S Suresh, Girish K E |
2655-2661 |
135 |
Analysis of Modelling of Active Stall Controlled and Active Pitch controlled Variable Speed Wind Turbines R. Uma Maheswari, J. Tamilvendhan |
2662-2667 |
136 |
Simulink Based Model of Photovoltaic Cell Mr. G. Venkateswarlu, Dr.Psangameswar Raju |
2668-2671 |
138 |
Transcoding Method for Regions of Interest Soon-kak Kwon |
2676-2679 |
139 |
Effect of the Supporting Strata on Design of Windmill Tower K. S. Rahane, M. R. Wakchaure |
2680-2686 |
140 |
Closed Loop Control of High Efficiency Voltage Clamped Dc-Dc Converter with Reduced Reverse Recovery Current and Switch S. Bala chennaiah, B. Narasimhudu |
2687-2692 |
141 |
Design and Implementation of an Integrated Rf Antenna-Filter Co-Design For Uwb Applications J. Ramprasad, Mrs. T. J. Jeyaprabha |
2693-2694 |
142 |
A Novel Approach to Design High Speed Arithmetic Logic Unit Based On Ancient Vedic Multiplication Technique Mr. Abhishek Gupta, Mr. Utsav Malviya, Prof. Vinod Kapse |
2695-2698 |
143 |
Concurrent Engineering: Impact on New Product Design and Development in Indian Two Wheeler Auto Industry V. Venkata Ramana |
2699-2701 |
144 |
Modeling and Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine Equipped With Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator B. Ratheen Kumar Reddy, Dr. M. Padma Lalitha, Mr. P. B. Chennaiah |
2702-2706 |
145 |
Rehab Assistance for Hansen Diseased Patients A. N. Nithyaa, R. Prem Kumar |
2707-2710 |
146 |
Medical image watermarking based on M-band Wavelet Transform
R. Mavudila, Lh. Masmoudi, M. Cherkaoui, M. Hamri, N. Hassanain |
2711-2718 |
147 |
Experimental investigation and Analysis of Thrust Force in Drilling of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composites using Response Surface Methodology S. Madhavan, S. Balasivanadha Prabu |
2719-2723 |
148 |
Review of the Latest Developments in Grain Refinement Lakhwinder Singh, Geetesh Goga, Rupinderpreet Singh |
2724-2727 |
149 |
Temperature Controlled Voltage Oscillation in Neural Circuit Undergoing Homoclinic Bifurcation Yasuomi D. Sato |
2728-2734 |
150 |
Power Efficient and Reuse of Memory with Steiner Graphs Aditya Putta, B. Chinna rao, P. M. Francis |
2735-2741 |
151 |
Novel Pattern Matching using FSM Algorithm for Memory Architecture B. Prasad kumar, B. Chinna rao, P. M. Francis |
2742-2747 |
152 |
Parameters Comparison of Miniaturized Symmetric and Asymmetric Inhomogeneous Metamaterials Garima Tiwari, Dr Bhawna Jharia, Dr. M. P Parsai |
2748-2752 |
153 |
Multiple gas Analyzer and Indicator Sheikh Rafik Manihar, Komal Prasad Dewagan, Jayant Rajpurohit |
2753-2755 |
154 |
An Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Brine Disposal in Marine Environment Musfique Ahmed, Rifat Anwar |
2756-2761 |
155 |
Reconfigurable Communication Architecture of On-Chip Segmented Bus Sreeja. M. S., Manu. T. S. |
2762-2765 |
156 |
Affect of Vibratory Welding Process to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Butt Welded Joints Govindarao P., Srinivasarao P.,Gopalakrishna A., Sarkar M.M.M. |
2766-2770 |
157 |
Determination of Camber and Leaf Span of a Parabolic Leaf Spring for Optimized Stress and Displacement Using Artificial Neural Networks Manas Patnaik, L. P. Koushik, Manoj Mathew |
2771-2773 |
158 |
Somewhat almost αg-continuous functions and Somewhat almost αg-open functions S. Balasubramanian, Ch. Chaithanya |
2774-2778 |
159 |
Study of Crane Hook Having Trapezoidal Section by Finite Element Method & Design of Experiments Santosh Sahu, Ritesh Dewangan, Manas Patnaik, Narendra Yadav |
2779-2781 |
160 |
Advanced Direct Power Control Method of UPFC by Using Matrix Converter D. Jagan, K. Suresh |
2782-2788 |
161 |
Optimal Agc of Deregulated Interconnected Power System with Parallel Ac/Dc Link Naimul Hasan |
2789-2794 |
162 |
Desulphurization of Paraffinic Stream by a Fixed Bed of Zinc Oxide M. G. Borikar, Dr. R. R. Khotpa, G. P. Lakhawat |
2795-2799 |
163 |
A New Heuristic Approach to Safeguarding Online Digital Data P. V. Raj Varma, M. Rajinikanth, Dr. Mohammed Ali Hussain |
2800-2802 |
164 |
A Novel Approach for Image Fusion in JPEG Domain Venkata Santhosh kumar A., Ch. Ramesh |
2803-2807 |
165 |
Multiple Exposure Image Fusion N. sivakanth pappu, M. M. M. Kumara Varma |
2808-2810 |
166 |
Modified Z-Source Single-Phase Inverter for Single-Phase Pm Synchronous Motor Drives B. Tejesh Kumar, Dr. D. V. Ashok Kumar, Mr. J. Nagarjuna Reddy |
2811-2814 |
167 |
Influence of Recycled Coarse Aggregate on Punching Behaviour of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete Slabs Dr. H. Sudarsana Rao, V. Showjendra Kumar Reddy,
Dr. Vaishali. G.Ghorpade |
2815-2820 |
168 |
Design of a Neural Network Based Image Recognition System Using Configurable VLSI
Vidya G. S., Sarath Raj S., Manu T. S. |
2821-2824 |
169 |
Effect of Titanium Oxide Coating on Performance Characteristics of Bio-Diesel (Honge) Fuelled C.I.Engine
Naveen. P., C.R. Rajashekhar, C. Umashankar, Vinayaka Rajashekhar Kiragi |
2825-2828 |
170 |
A method for signalling block-adaptive quantization in baseline sequential JPEG B. Aruna, Ch. Ramesh |
2829-2831 |
171 |
Determination of the test frequency causing significant hearing loss of the mine workers of an open cast chromite mine Kerketta S., Gartia R., Bagh S. |
2832-2838 |
172 |
Detecting Identification Anomalies in Social Networking with Cluster based re-ranking and Slink Algorithms Salina Adinaryana, Dr. G. Samuel Vara Prasada Raju, Allam Mohan |
2839-2842 |
173 |
A Novel Watermarking Technique Using Visual Cryptography with Blow Fish Techniques Ramamohan .B, P. Srihari |
2843-2847 |
174 |
Cross Layer Optimization for Multiuser Video Streaming Using Distributed Cross Layer Algorithm Mr. R. Raju, J. Vidhya Shankardevi |
2848-2851 |
175 |
On Semi*-Connected and Semi*-Compact Spaces A. Robert, S. Pious Missier |
2852-2856 |
176 |
Performance Comparison of Three Different Classifiers for Hci Using Hand Gestures Anand H. Kulkarni, Sachin A. Urabinahatti |
2857-2861 |
177 |
Modeling and Analysis of Spur Gear for Sugarcane Juice Machine under Static Load Condition by Using FEA V. Siva Prasad, Syed Altaf Hussain, V. Pandurangadu, K. PalaniKumar |
2862-2866 |
178 |
Design of Modules to Implement a Structure by Discrete Reckoning Codes for Embedding Into Video Coding Testing Applications Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, Sr Sastry K., Ranga Rao Orugu,
P. Bosebabu, M. Aravind Kumar |
2867-2875 |
179 |
Design of Stabilizing Controllers for the Nonlinear Power Systems Rekha, A. K. Singh |
2876-2879 |
180 |
Development of the A Three-Dimensional Magnetic-Field-Independent Absorbing Boundary Condition (Mfiabc) For Cold Magnetoplasma Mohammad pourbagher, Javad nourinia, Nader pourmahmud |
2880-2884 |
181 |
Radiation Properties of the Array Pattern Synthesis Using Fibonacci and Normalized Modified Binomial (Nmb) Polynomials Abdolkhalegh Mohammadi, Mohammad Pourbagher, Javad Nourinia |
2885-2888 |
182 |
Variable Step Variable Weights Lms (VSVWLMS) Algorithm By Modified Leaky LMS
Mohammad purbagher, Abdolkhalegh Mohammadi, Javad Nourinia, Changiz ghobadi |
2889-2892 |
183 |
A New Solution to Wave Equation in Inhomogeneous Plasmas with Bessel Function Mohammad pourbagher, Abdolkhalegh mohammadi,Javad nourinia, Nader pourmahmud |
2893-2896 |
184 |
Vibration Analysis of Propellant Actuated Devices
Y. B. Autger, S. S. Khandagale, R. S. Bindu |
2897-2902 |
185 |
Detecting Objects in Large Image Collections and Videos by Efficient Subimage Retrieval by Content Based Mr. Chetan J. Shelke, Dr. P. Karde |
2903-2907 |
186 |
Experimental Based Selection of Best Sorting Algorithm D. T. V. Dharmajee Rao, B. Ramesh |
2908-2912 |
187 |
Remote Radar Data Acquisition and Ontrol Using Cdma RF Link
Rohit N. Singh, M. Chennakesavulu |
2913-2918 |
188 |
Thermal Analysis And Optimization Of I.C. Engine Piston Using finite Element Method
A. R. Bhagat, Y. M. Jibhakate |
2919-2921 |
189 |
Design of High Throughput DCT Core Design by Efficient Computation Mechanism Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, O. Ranga Rao, Sr. Sastry K., G. Roopa Krishna Chandra |
2922-2929 |
190 |
Characterization of Fatty Acid Used In Soap Manufacturing In Nigeria: Laundry, Toilet, Medicated and Antiseptic Soap P. Oghome, M. U. Eke, C. I. O. Kamalu |
2930-2934 |
191 |
Compressed Sensing Image Recovery Using Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering B. Sravanthi, Ch. Madhuri Devi |
2935-2937 |
192 |
A Primitive Polynomial to Define the Finite Field Modules for High-Throughput Interpolator to Encode and Decode Of Non Binary Cyclic Codes
Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, S. R. Sastry K., M. Aravind Kumar, P. Bosebabu, G. Roopa Krishna Chandra |
2938-2946 |
193 |
Design & Integration of Wind-Solar Hybrid Energy System for Drip Irrigation Pumping Application Yandra Shivrath, P. Badari Narayana, Srikanth Thirumalasetty, Dr. E. Laxmi Narsaiah |
2947-2950 |
194 |
Fuzzy Hypothesis Testing Of Anova Model with Fuzzy Data D. Kalpanapriya, P. Pandian |
2951-2956 |
195 |
Reduced Rating VSC with a Zig-Zag Transformer for Current Compensation in a Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System
M. Nagarjuna, B. Muralimohan, M. Sudheerbabu |
2957-2963 |